NYSWRC Board of Directors Application AND Information

The New York State Wildlife Rehabilitation Council will have five vacancies on the Board of Directors this year with three current board members seeking re-election. No member of the Board of Directors shall receive compensation for service as a director. 

To serve on the Board of Directors:        

  • Applicant must be a NYSWRC member in good standing for at least one year

  • At least 18 years of age

  • A resident of New York State

NYSWRC Board members volunteer their time to attend our teleconference board meetings several times a year, though more frequently during conference planning, and are required to:

  • Attend and participate in our annual seminar

  • Discuss and lobby for current wildlife rehabilitation issues

  • Write, or acquire permission to reprint, articles for our newsletter Release

  • Serve on at least one committee

  • Be watchdogs and ambassadors for wildlife rehabilitators in New York State.

Applicants will be required to fill out the application and nomination form, provide a brief bio as it represents your rehab career, describe what you feel you can contribute to the board, list your interests in wildlife and include a recent photo which will be posted on our website prior to voting.

The deadline for applying is August 1, 2021.  Interested members may request an application and nomination form below. 
For any questions, please contact us at: nominations@nyswrc.org.

Nomination Instructions:  

  1. Nominations will take place via this written form and must be received by the Nominating Committee by August 1, 2021.

  2. Any NYSWRC Member in good standing may be nominated for the Board of Directors. Both nominator and nominee must be a NYSWRC member in good standing.

  3. Each nominee will be contacted by the Nominating Committee to confirm their acceptance or declination.

  4. Fill out the information below. Incomplete forms will be considered null and void.

  5. If more than the number of open seats are nominated, an election will be held.