Info For Rehabbers
photo by Divide By Zero / Unsplash
The DEC’s wildlife rehabilitation licensing test is now online! The most recent exam date was April 20, 2021, but there will hopefully be another opportunity this year. All info here.
The RVS licensing exam is now online as well, as part of our annual conference.
Protocols & Animal Care
Loon Protocol
NYS Black Bear Response Manual
Black Bear Program – Form for Regional Complaints, Mortalities and Observations
Natural & Captive Bird Diets
Wildlife Rehabilitation Database (baseline hematology data and basic biological information)
Raccoon Protocols from Gordon Wildlife
Species Identification
Rehabber’s Guide to Endangered Species in NY
Tufts Guide to Bird Hatchlings and Nestlings
Licensing Information
To rehabilitate mammals and non-migratory birds (NYSDEC)
To rehabilitate Migratory Birds (USFWS)
Wildlife Rehabilitator Organizations
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
Education and Courses
IWRC (online and in-person classes)
Wildlife.edu (online)
NEWC Wildlife Rehabilitation Methods Course (online)
LafeberVet (online)
Animal Behavior Institute (online)
NWRA publications (order materials online)
The Raptor Center at the University of MN (online)|
Wildlife Care Academy (online)
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